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Pousada do Barão 7 0

Praça Doutor Delfim Moreira nº 28, Condomínio Costa - Casa 105, Santa Rita do Sapucai, Brazil

  • Restaurant Restaurant
  • TV TV
  • Wi Fi Wi Fi
  • Room Service Room Service
  • Air Conditioning Air Conditioning
  • Safe Safe
  • Laundry Service Laundry Service

Pousada do Barão

In addition to the standard of Pousada do Barão, all guests get free Wi-Fi in all rooms and free parking if arriving by car. Conveniently situated in the Santa Rita do Sapucai part of Brazil, this property puts you close to attractions and interesting dining options. Don't leave before paying a visit to the famous .

Rated with 0 stars, this high-quality property provides guests with access to restaurant and fitness center on-site. Pousada do Barão to Airport Distance is and the hotel is located 0.7 KM from main Santa Rita do Sapucai.


The Pousada do Barão is located %%DISTANCEFROMCITY%% KM away from the main city center Santa Rita do Sapucai
The Pousada do Barão KM away from Santa Rita do Sapucai airport.
Pousada do Barão is located in Santa Rita do Sapucai, Brazil and address is Praça Doutor Delfim Moreira nº 28, Condomínio Costa - Casa 105.
Pousada do Barão srat with 0 USD per night booking. The price of Pousada do Barão may chnage anytime you can check live price with search filter.
are best places to visit near Pousada do Barão.